Monday, November 16, 2009

Valerie's Definintions (Hegemony & Socializing Agent)

Hegemony – “…refers to a situation in which a provisional alliance of certain social groups can exert ‘total social authority’ over other subordinate groups, not simply by coercion or by the direct imposition of ruling ideas, but by ‘winning and shaping consent so that the power of the dominate classes appears both legitimate and natural’”.

Hebdige, D. (1979). Subculture: The meaning of style (15-16). London: Routledge

Socializing Agent – an entity or person that shapes issues or positions to influence society such as the government or media for example through movies, documentaries, news, editorials, and advertisements.

Bailey, G., & Gayle, N. A. (2003). Ideology: Structuring identities in contemporary life. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press.

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